Device: Poseidon - DNS (UDP)
DNS on
Monitor Action Result
The status result of the action.
2014-Oct-01 01:15:01

01-Sep-2014 00:00 to 30-Sep-2014 23:59
Monitor Action Result
The status result of the action.
Last Month by Day
Sample Normal Critical Total Success Rate
Mon Sep 01 1 44 45 2.220 %
Total 1 44 45 2.220 %

Monitor Time
Time to process entry.
2014-Oct-01 01:15:01

01-Sep-2014 00:00 to 30-Sep-2014 23:59
Monitor Time
Time to process entry.
Last Month by Day
Sample Milliseconds
Mon Sep 01 29,833.6

Response Time
Time to receive response packet.
2014-Oct-01 01:15:01

01-Sep-2014 00:00 to 30-Sep-2014 23:59
Response Time
Time to receive response packet.
Last Month by Day
Sample Milliseconds
Mon Sep 01 29,833.6