Generated: 6/9/2015 07:15
Host State: POLL

Cumulative Summary
Total Entries Normal Critical Suspended Attempts Failures Success Rate Last Poll
18 17 1 0 5,430,238 73,713 98.6426 % 6/9/2015 07:15

  Type Name Status Time Time in State Attempt/Fail S.Rate% State Change
NET HOIL - Ping CRITICAL 0 ms 185:19:43:17 317647/53752 83.0781% 12/5/2014 11:32
SERVICE Asgard - Keystroke Payment Module OK 0 ms 220:22:43:44 315232/485 99.8461% 10/31/2014 08:31
DRIVE Asgard - System Drive Full OK 15 ms 205:22:50:16 31565/224 99.2904% 11/15/2014 08:25
NET Charon - Ping OK 3 ms 361:06:19:34 317883/7 99.9978% 6/13/2014 00:55
NET Fiber to Internet - Ping OK 3 ms 61:20:36:11 317888/49 99.9846% 4/8/2015 10:39
NET Hera - FTP OK 1731 ms 202:04:28:08 317888/13 99.9959% 11/19/2014 02:47
NET Hera - HTTP OK 62 ms 667:03:02:52 317888/12 99.9962% 8/11/2013 04:12
NET Hermes - POP3 OK 109 ms 255:16:20:20 317888/1455 99.5423% 9/26/2014 14:55
NET Hermes - SMTP OK 125 ms 24:05:43:17 317888/3794 98.8065% 5/16/2015 01:32
NET Oceanus (Inside) Ping OK 3 ms 61:20:36:09 317888/11 99.9965% 4/8/2015 10:39
NET Oceanus (Outside) - Ping OK 5 ms 0:13:33:17 317888/4015 98.7370% 6/8/2015 17:42
NET Olympus OK 3 ms 29:14:43:01 317916/26 99.9918% 5/10/2015 16:32
NET Pandora - FTP OK 78 ms 34:19:23:41 317888/302 99.9050% 5/5/2015 11:51
NET Pandora - HTTP OK 63 ms 106:11:43:33 317888/11 99.9965% 2/22/2015 19:31
NET Pandora - POP3 OK 94 ms 106:11:43:33 317888/108 99.9660% 2/22/2015 19:31
NET Pandora - SMTP OK 110 ms 0:06:37:24 317888/815 99.7436% 6/9/2015 00:38
NET Poseidon - DNS (TCP) OK 32 ms 945:10:39:48 317888/6 99.9981% 11/5/2012 20:35
NET Triton - DNS (TCP) OK 32 ms 203:02:42:52 315339/8628 97.2639% 11/18/2014 04:32

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